Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October Activities

*This Sunday, we'll head over to Chaffey High School for the annual Walk for the Hungry. Thanks to everyone who's signed up to do the walk and/or to sponsor us! The walk starts at 1:00, so we'll meet at church at 12:40 and caravan over. Plan to have a light snack beforehand and bring $5 to have In-N-Out there after the walk.

*We'll be doing a Minute for Mission during both services this week to let the congregation know more about the youth ministry at our church.

*Revolve is right around the corner. We have a few tickets left, so if any of you girls have friends who want to come, let me know. We're meeting at 5:00 p.m. at church for a yummy, homemade dinner provided by ladies of the church. Make sure to bring a sleeping bag and pillow for our sleepover in the youth room!

*Guys Only! On October 18th, guys meet at church at 3:00 for video games and snacks. The girls will be catching up on homework and sleep after Revolve. :)


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