Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bring Your Own Pumpkin Party this Sunday

Monday, October 19, 2009

Harvest Festival

Sunday is our annual Harvest Festival at First Pres. of Upland!

We won't have youth group, so we can help put on the events. The festival goes from 2-5, with a costume parade and Trunk-or-Treat starting at 4.

We need youth to help with the set-up on Sunday morning and early afternoon. During the festival, we'll need people to help with:
(1) The caramel apple station
(2) Games (IE: bean bag toss)
(3) Monitoring the bounce house
(4) Crafts
(5) Line-dancing (led by Glenda Greenwald in Hart Hall)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October Activities

*This Sunday, we'll head over to Chaffey High School for the annual Walk for the Hungry. Thanks to everyone who's signed up to do the walk and/or to sponsor us! The walk starts at 1:00, so we'll meet at church at 12:40 and caravan over. Plan to have a light snack beforehand and bring $5 to have In-N-Out there after the walk.

*We'll be doing a Minute for Mission during both services this week to let the congregation know more about the youth ministry at our church.

*Revolve is right around the corner. We have a few tickets left, so if any of you girls have friends who want to come, let me know. We're meeting at 5:00 p.m. at church for a yummy, homemade dinner provided by ladies of the church. Make sure to bring a sleeping bag and pillow for our sleepover in the youth room!

*Guys Only! On October 18th, guys meet at church at 3:00 for video games and snacks. The girls will be catching up on homework and sleep after Revolve. :)