Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spirit West Coast in Del Mar-May 29th

Youth Sunday

Youth Sunday is on 

Mother's Day, May 9th. 

We'll be putting on the entire

service: music, message,

ushering, greeting, &


The theme will be "Rise Up"

based on the passage

Isaiah 40:30-31:

"Even youths grow tired and

weary, and young men

stumble and fall; but those

who hope in the LORD will

renew their strength. They

will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not grow

weary, they will walk and not

be faint."

APU's Night of Champions

This Saturday night is APU's annual Night of Champions. Meet at church at 4 p.m. and we'll head to Azusa for a classic car show, a trailer full of video games, live music performances, talks from top athletes, and tons of outdoor games. 

For $10, you get all the entertainment, a Bible, a t-shirt, & In-N-Out!

Souper Bowl of Caring

Thanks to everyone who participated on Souper Bowl Sunday to raise money for Loaves & Fishes. We collected $1,016.02 and 25 food items. We also go to help Loaves & Fishes serve a hot meal to the homeless on March 5th.