Wednesday, January 27, 2010

30 Hour Famine

March 5 & 6

Every day 26,000 children die because of hunger, disease, and poverty.

Of those, 14,000 die as a result of malnutrition.

On March 5-6, we're participating in the 30 Hour Famine to make a difference for the hungry in our world. For 30 hours, we'll go without food to experience a taste of hunger and to raise awareness in our community of the effects of hunger.

We're also raising money to support World Vision's work in Haiti. $30/day helps feed and care for a child for a whole month!

7th-12th graders: If you'd like to join us, call our youth director Lindsey Marcus at (909) 982-8811.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Souper Bowl of Caring

On Super Bowl Sunday (Feb. 7th),  we're 
participating again in the Souper Bowl of 
Caring. We'll be collecting donations and 
canned goods for Loaves & Fishes, a 
ministry that serves the homeless in our 

Then join us at 3 for a Super Bowl Party!

To Save a Life

Sunday, January 24th
Meet at church at 1:15 p.m. to go see "To Save a Life," a powerful Christian film about the struggles teenagers face. Cost: $9

What is Truth?

Steve McMahan's starting a new series at Fusion on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.. Here's more about it:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winter Camp

We just got back from an awesome weekend at Forest Home junior high winter camp.We had 4 guys and 3 girls go, and we're hoping to get even more people for high school winter camp Feb. 19-21.

If you're in 9th-12th grade, mark your calendars and start asking friends if they'd like to come to camp. We have 13 spots available, but we can always add more if we need them. The cost is $125, but scholarships are available through Forest Home. (Click here to get the form:

This year, Forest Home opened up a brand new ropes course called the Sky Trail. They also have a huge climbing wall, a zip line, snow tubing, world-famous shakes, an incredible band leading praise and worship, fun games, and great speakers. You won't want to miss this awesome weekend!

             Junior High Winter Camp, January 2010